The Mini WSM has been around on the Internet for a few years and I have always wanted to build one. There are very few parts needed and many different ways you can assemble them. This is how I built mine.
Parts list:
Weber 7431 Cooking Grate (for second cooking surface)
IMUSA Tamale and Seafood Steamer (or similar sized pot)
12.25″ terracotta clay saucer
Grate Bracket Hardware
Tools Needed:
Drill and assorted drill bits
Jigsaw with bimetal blade
File or sandpaper to deburr the metal
Wrench or socket for the grate hardware
Safety Goggles (Trust me, aluminum flies everywhere)
The most important item on the parts list is the pot that is used for the body of the Mini WSM. The outside diameter of the pot’s top lip must be close enough to the inside diameter of the Weber Smokey Joe’s lid to create a seal.
I chose the IMUSA Tamale Steamer because it was the most popular pot used and the Walmart near me had them in stock. If you live in an area with a large Hispanic community, you’ll have no trouble finding the IMUSA Tamale/Seafood Steamer.
Things to look for: “Made in China” and UPC code “94046 00034”